July 24th, 2017
You cannot ignite a fire inside of someone else until it first burns inside of you. I call that “the desire to inspire.”  Most of the time it takes a great trial to spark a great fire; and with fire comes refining.

You see, the fire of affliction may be blazing on the outside, but it’s the one burning on the inside through the affliction that makes all the difference.  

Faith that is not tested by fire cannot be trusted to pass through fire. The moral of my story---yes,  God allows “forest fires” to show forth His glory. Don’t believe me? Ask the three Hebrew boys. You know, Daniel’s friends who stood strong to the end (Daniel 3).

Truthfully, it was in the fiery furnace where they saw Jesus' presence. And that’s why He allows us to go through it, so that others can see how we endure it. 

So here is a "hot" word to the wise: if there is a "fire" that breaks out around you, don't fight the fire, but see it as an opportunity to glorify God and inspire.