January 14th, 2019

I have an anger problem! Yes, I really do! And guess what? It’s acceptable when your anger is a derivative of what angers God “according to the Bible.” 

When do we see this emotion best in the life of Jesus? When His Father is being misrepresented in the way we—the church—manufacture faith (John 2:14-17; Psalm 69:9). And that is exactly what the religious outfit back in the day did, and that is exactly what the religious faction of today does.  And I’m guilty as charged when it comes to misrepresenting God above.  

You see, just as Jesus had to enter the Temple and flip some stuff upside down in order to demonstrate His zeal for His Father's House, so too does He have permission to do the same spiritual adjustment in the temple of my body.  

He has to enter in from time to time to clean me out, lest I turn His Father’s House into a house of merchandise. Nothing more than a flea market. And that is exactly what I become when I allow the accessory of faith to be the facade that blocks the redemptive force that comes with the access of faith. A disorganized flea market!

But no more! I mean, at least now I know more than I did before about what it is that moves or grieves God’s heart. So as time goes on for me in ministry, I know it’s crucial to renew my mind in God’s Word so that I become consumed by the heart of my Lord. 

So, I pray, “Break my heart for what breaks Yours, O Lord.”

I think it is healthy from time to time to ask ourselves, ‘What consumes me? What do I get up in arms for these days?’ And the answers to those questions are indicative to where we are spiritually. 

Again, what angers you? What angers God? Now figure out the difference!

"22 years at AHS and the best speaker I ever saw was @mattmaherstory. Great speaker, great message. I think they heard you."
@SebastianMarino Audubon High School