January 7th, 2019
Faithfulness always endures the conflict that comes to challenge it. Meaning, when we put our faith in Christ, it is His strength that infuses our perspective and life. And no matter what challenges we face, the believer can endure all things with the grace that heaven supplies.

However, it is often very easy to forget our faith in the midst of conflict and rely fully on our feelings. 

Feelings aren't always wrong, but they can often mislead. And that is why the believer needs to learn to walk by faith in the Word over their 20/20 vision in the world. You see, our natural senses of sight and sound--if left unaffected by faith--will always let us down. So we must lift up our eyes to the heavens and trust in the Lord for direction. 

My life verse states, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths" (Proverbs 3:5-6).

I don't always follow this promise, but when I do, there's a huge difference on how I handle conflicts. So for now, my hope is to inspire you to choose faith over fear and to see your current challenge as the necessary reason to check your vision. 

Because truth be told, there is only one lens that allows us to see above and beyond our conflicts and that's the lens of faith in Christ.  
"@mattmaherstory Still inspired and encouraged by you story, shared many weeks ago. Thanks for being passionate about Jesus!"
@KSmithFoundHere Boston, MA